Thursday, October 9, 2008

Slow for Tim - CRAZY for Deb

Hey there readers (all 2 of you :) - by the way - does anyone else find it awkward trying to put a smiley face inside parentheses?

So - life in LA. Let me first say that I JUST released a new video. I made a mock McCain attack ad. I'm sorry - I know it may seem partisan - but I'm just so tired of the negative campaigning so, since I'm comedian, I did the thing that comes most naturally to me - find the comedy in it.

So things are slow for me. While I'm coming out with brilliant comedy online - there just hasn't been much work for me from the extra work OR from subbing. I did submit an application to a local private christian high school which is literally a mile down OUR road. So just waiting on that. "Waiting" - probably the one word that best describes my existence out here. Waiting to hear from agents, waiting to hear about auditions, waiting to hear about day work, waiting to hear about gigs. It can be a little frustrating - especially when you see successful comedians and actors who literally have to turn work DOWN because they're getting so many offers. But God is teaching me patience and how NOT to worry. It's all good!

Debbie, on the other hand, is a busy lady. When she's not working, she's doing grad school work - and when she's not doing grad school work, she's either sleeping or working. But she is learning balance. It's not easy - but to me she's doing it like a pro.

Still loving Cali. Things are starting to cool down a little bit - PERFECT for cycling. Hope you all are well!

timmy and deb


Cafe Observer said...

I can't take these phony party establishment machine candidates. They are a well-oiled, experienced, vote gathering assembly line.

And, they won't let us dogs run 4 office! What's to be afraid of man's best friend?? So, can't support these pols.

Your wife sounds busy, alright. Sounds like she needs an assistant. Try to find her someone who has sum free time on their hands.

Tim and Deb said...

it's a good point. you kinda have to be a pretty rich person to even get close. has a middle class person EVER been president??