Saturday, November 10, 2007


Hello dear readers! You may have already heard (most likely by me) that I've posted my first comedic short online (one of hopefully many to come)! It's a short film called 'the conversation' and it's about two good friends who learn the hard way that silent conversation in the back of class can lead to devastating, earthshattering, and even horrific misunderstandings. There are three places that you can go to see it - and if you wouldn't mind - it would be great if you went to all three. You only have to watch it on one - but the more hits I get on each - the better!! Here are the links: - BE SURE to vote on this one (voting it funny would be nice!)

If you don't feel like highlighting and pasting them, the links are in the tab to the right of our blog.

Also - feel free to check out my myspace page from time to time. I'll be keeping that updated and will be putting other stuff on there as well!

I hope you enjoy it! If you don't get it - that's fine. It could be one of those concepts that only Aaron (the other guy in the video) and I find funny - and we're ok with that! But TELL YOUR FRIENDS!! Since I don't have a manager - any help you can give me is GREAT!

Things are still going great for us out here! Deb and I got to meet Patti (Deb's sister) - who lives in San Diego - for dinner on Thursday night halfway between LA and San Diego! It was a great time!! It is such a blessing having family living nearbye.

We continue to work hard out here and we're loving it. Of course your thoughts and prayers are SOOO much appreciated! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

tim and deb

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